
Friday, January 23, 2015

Mistakes and Mondays

So, I haven't posted in a while, and a lot of things have been, and will be changing in my life. I am finally in classes related to my Major, and I am furthering my education in the Japanese language. I will be buying a scooter within the next few weeks, and getting a job. I just felt inspired to write, but I wanted to blog about some funny instances that have been going on recently. First off, though, on the subject of mistakes, I have to apologize for the other blog I am (not) running. The one called "Hurray for me!" Somehow, I can't tell how, I started a new blog, and I can NOT figure out how to erase it, so if anybody is confused by that, I apologize.
Now, on the subject of Mondays.... I hate them. I hate them so much. Not my classes, and not just the regular "oh it's monday, school is starting and I am a wanker," No. I do not have classes on Tuesdays. Not a single one. I wake up early on Monday, get into the swing of a busy day, and then BOOM! it is a free day, and I am stuck in work mode, twiddling my thumbs and trying to figure out what to do with all my free time. I need a job to fill that gap, so I can feel accomplished again. However, on the plus side of Mondays, Death and I have developed a funny little waking system. We both have an alarm set for 8 AM, and we swore we would wake up and go to class early. One day, I decided to set a second alarm for 8:10, just in case we turned our alarms off, and fell back asleep, as we are so prone to doing. Instead of using it as an aid for mistakes, it became our snooze button. We would always turn off the first and go right back to sleep. Then, just because I am lazy, and devious, I added a third alarm, at 8:20, and that has become another alarm, so we are always asleep until the last possible second on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It is a lazy, terrible, and entirely characteristic thing for me to do. On that topic, I want to tell you about my classes!
My new classes involve Media now, so I get to edit videos!! I love it so hard! I love taking two clips and mashing them together so they make sense. (Or don't... sometimes it is funnier to switch things around and make your professor laugh.) I am also in Japanese II, and next year, I plan on taking a month long, school related vacation to Japan to study abroad. I can not wait for this cultural experience, and I want to broaden my experiences. I am also in a world music class, where I am choosing to learn the Irish Penny Whistle, and the Irish Zepher Harp. (Or finger harp. I think zepher might be the company that made it.) I am having fun, and learning! Who would have believed it?
So, on a positive, and extremely happy note, I bid thee adieu, and wish the best on all of you! Ace out!