
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cold Weather Catching Up

I owe my little sister a few posts, and it has been a while since my last post, so I figured, what with the snow and all, I would post about current events. My Ichigo has been considering taking a break off of college for a semester, and taking a better job. I am happy for her, even if she is moving in with one of her less pleasant cousins. I trust her, and I believe she will make good decisions. So I am glad to say she will be much less stressed for a few months. Maybe we can even get married. I have been waiting for a chance to marry her, and this may be it.
Death has gotten a job, and is going to be working Black Friday at a clothing store. Ichigo will be working for a phone company, and everyone else seems to have everything set up Another one of my friends, in the military, has gotten into the Bravo Squad explosives department, and he has been pretty excited about that. I do not have a job just yet, because of unfortunate transportation circumstances, so next semester, once I get my check, I am going to buy a Moped and hopefully get around enough to get a job. I am ready to juggle a job and college.
And finally, homework. Everyone has been extremely busy with school, and Death and I have extremely important tests and projects to finish. Japanese has become quite hard, and I need to study better for Democracy. Death has been working on a speech for almost three weeks now, and I just finished a paper based around sexism in video games. Incredibly, this topic has not been studied much, and my teacher loved the idea. She encouraged me to pursue the topic, and I have made what I believe to be a solid paper, arguing what exists in games, and how to fix the issue.
So, on a positive note, Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and I can stuff my face like a pig again! Real, homecooked food to fill my stomach instead of this repetitive school food. I cannot wait! Ace out!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Halloween is Coming!!

A lot has been going on lately, and I couldn't possibly find the time to explain everything in one blog post, so I will just focus on the more important aspect of these past few weeks. I had to recover from three dislocated ribs again. I was boarding in downtown college town, and I was having a great time. Sol and myself were boarding with our new buddy Thor, and we had just come off of a bridge, and were going down a nice curvy hill. I would have been perfectly fine if I had carved the hill like I was supposed to. Carving is where you make long, sharp turns the whole way down a hill, to slow down quite a bit. I had started off carving, but I was trying to get past Thor so I wouldn't slam into him as I carved. I picked up too much speed as I went down, and I started to lose my balance. I had to give up on carving, and hit a solid 30 miles per hour, and I had absolutely no way to slow down without potentially falling in the middle of the road and causing a traffic accident that I may not have survived. So I looked for a spot to bail. I saw a nice patch of grass, that had not been mowed for a while, so I aimed right for the patch.
I was hoping my judo training would help me roll out the fall, but there is one thing we can't learn in our lives. When gravity attacks, there is no good response. Newton's laws didn't help either. My board hit the curb, and my feet were still attached. My body slammed into the ground, and my chin bounced. I bounced about three feet up and six feet forward. Three ribs were dislocated, and I couldn't move for a solid minute. But I got back up and started boarding again eventually. Not a great experience, but a great learning experience.
Then, a few days after that, I decided it would be fun to try and ride my longboard off a curb. here is the problem though: a longboard doesn't all go off a curb at the same time, so the bottom hit the curb and I fell forward onto my wrist. I am not saying it might be fractured, but it clicks a lot now. Then, because of Dark Souls, I may have punched a wall and broken my middle knuckle. It hurts. And it is definitely broken.
Aside from all the injuries, I have had a great month. I got a new beanie for an early birthday present, and everyone has been really cool about remembering it. Most of my birthdays are pretty terrible, and it is nice to have people who break that chain and are here for me, in spirit if not in body. I can't tell everyone just how much I appreciate them. Anyways, I have to prep for Halloween, with my new Deadpool morphsuit!! Ace out!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happy birthday Death!

So today was Death's birthday. He has been my best friend and brother for a few years now, and I couldn't think of a better person to have my back. He is younger than me, but he doesn't seem like it. We consider ourselves twins, and in a lot of ways we are. We have music tastes, games tastes, and many other tastes shared. We both have similar personalities, except he is far quieter, and more reserved than myself.
I bought his gift about a month ago, at Kohl's, and he was pretty excited. I got him about sixty dollars worth of jackets and shirts, and sixty more dollars in Kohl's cash, which gave him the freedom to buy even more clothes. And Little one made him a homemade Navi in a bottle. He doesn't read my blog so I can easily post without him knowing. It is so sweet that she is handmaking gifts for Death and I, and we both appreciate her greatly.
So I have a Death-themed post. We have recently begun playing a game called Borderlands 2, which is this hilarious, cell-shaded shooter, with funny characters, and missions, while managing to be a very serious game with a great storyline. So Death, Sol, and Final Chase, along with myself have begun a four player system link in this game. Hilarity ensues when the controllers get picked up. Sol and myself are erratic, and insane, and we tend to fight everything while Death and Chase tend to actually complete objectives. Sol and I have actually gotten a lot more achievements for bullying enemies than anyone else. But one specific hour of gameplay still has Death and myself rollnig in laughter when we remember it. In this area called sanctuary, there are two gambling machines where you pay money, pull a lever, and wait for riches or grenades to fall out of the machine. It took a few tries for a system to be figured out to warn the others when a grenade was dropped. But one, very hilarious time, Sol was warned, and all he said was " I AM TOO INVESTED!!!" and let himself die. We all cracked up, and had to stop for the night. It was a great night. And now I am off to play again! Ace out!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ankles and Accidents.

Recently I began longboarding on campus. Longboarding is very fun, and my board is big and sturdy. I am becoming a fine longboarder, and I have yet to hurt myself on a longboard. Skateboards, however, are very different, and I have a fun story to tell about how different they can be.
Death has recently befriended a girl who is going to be skating with us as soon as her mail-order longboard comes in. She is a pretty nice girl, even if she has been stealing my bro from me on almost a daily basis. She wanted to skate with us the other night, but we only had a spare skateboard. I was kind enough to let her use my longboard because I know my board was safer and easier to use for a first timer. I took off on the skateboard pretty well, and started pretty well. But two factors hurt me that night. My longboard is.. well, long. And on a skateboard it is a far shorter deck. So after a few pushes, I missed my step, and rolled my ankle once, at a moderate speed, which hurt a little. After a new try, I got going again, and was doing pretty well for about twenty minutes. I started to get confident, and starting going a lot quicker. Here was the second factor: at higher speeds, the smaller wheels of a skateboard can get moving a lot faster, and boards can shoot from underneath you. I missed my step again, at a higher speed, lost the board, sprained my ankle, and landed heavily on my left kneecap. I bruised it badly, and kept trying to skate that night, which didn't help. So I had to go to the hospital the next day. Badly sprained ankle, and a bruised kneecap. But I am fine now, and I have a neat brace, and crutches. Wish for my quick recovery. Ace out!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Pepper Sprayed

A new fighter joins the fray. My friend Prophet, another lifelong friend, and I decided to let my my friend the Box Ghost and Death pepper spray us. It was bad. It was horrible. The liquid gets in your eyes and mouth and the mucus of your nose and it burns so bad. It feels like liquid fire is invading your pores and incinerating your very pores. Focusing on these words is nearly impossible and the only reason I am doing this is because I feel obligated towards any of my readers who don't posses a motherly/sisterly love for me to give them a funny, manly story of my pain and suffering in my quest to experience everything in life at least once. I made one huge mistake, and a few small ones. Some of the smaller ones involve having my mouth open and inhaling in surprise. But my biggest, most pathetic mistake is a harsh one. I grabbed a towel and started wiping off my face. Then, in my panic and discomfort I put it around my shoulders for a holder. So I had an allergic reaction on my chest which feels like an incredible sunburn. It also managed to run down into my groin when I showered and I can't effectively describe that pain without extreme visuals and gruesome language. But Prophet and I have become much better friends because of it and we feel closer. In the end, I don't know if it was really WORTH it, but it was an experience, and I don't think I really regret anything. I will never willingly submit myself to this without reason ever again, but like I said, it was an experience not a lot of people have been through and I can honestly say that I am stronger for it. Have a great night and don't get pepper sprayed people! Ace out!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


So I bought a new toy today. It is called an electronic hookah. It sounds sketchy, and I had to do a lot of research after my friends bought one to understand what it is. It uses plant glycose to produce what is essentially just flavored vapors. There is an option to add nicotine, however, as I have quit smoking not too long ago, I figured it would be a good idea to avoid the drug. Nicotine is not good for you, nor is it healthy to be addicted to anything. Especially when I have dealt with caffeine and nicotine addictions before in my life. One of the popular misconceptions about an electronic hookah is that it is weed related, or very tobacco related. While that is true in a typical, water based hookah pipe, it is not of ehookahs, because they are focused on fun flavors of vaporized plant glycose and spawn great flavors like rootbeer float, skittles, and watermelon jolly rancher. I like blowing smoke rings as well, which I have gotten quite good at, and makes me feel vaguely like Bilbo as he puffs on his pipe. It is a harmless, addictionless, fun hobby, and I have done a lot of research to ensure that I have not purchased an addictive, or unhealthy tool.
On another, money related note, I have discovered that I have much more preference spending money on others than myself. I spent a lot of money at a Khol's today, and bought about 60 to 70 dollars worth of clothing for Death as a birthday present. Then, after spending all that money, I gave him the sixty dollar gift card that came with it. I felt great, and I wasn't looking for recognition. I just truly enjoyed giving him repayment for a lot of the things he has done for me. Plus, he really helped me pick out some nice clothes for the school year.
Finally, I just want to say, people don't change much throughout life. It is a sad fact sometimes, but in many ways it is truly wonderful. Friends for life exists because no matter how old Death and I get, we will always have essentially the same mindset, life goals, and personalities. While that also has its downsides, I firmly believe that anything that gives me the ability to fall in love for life, whether with my fiancee, or my best friends, or my little sister, its negative sides are easily dismissed. I am not saying no one ever changes, but in the long run, a person never really changes their beliefs, or their mindsets about things. Small things differ, but most people will always think the same way. On that note, I will say, I am happy with most everyone I know, and I don't want them to change anyways! Love you guys! Ace out!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

ALS, and concussions.

Today has been an eventful day. I did possibly one of the funniest, stupidest things I have ever done, and my head still aches from it. I was on my stomach on a skateboard in my dorm hallway, and Sol decided to try to sit on me, which prompted me loudly screaming "RAPE!" and turtle crawling away as quickly as I could. It was hilarious, and not at all a bad idea. Until I reached the end of the hallway, realized how fast I was going, and opened a closed and mostly secured door with my head. I didn't push the handle in either. I may have knocked myself out a little bit, but Death and Sol were on the floor laughing and I have shown no signs of a real concussion other than slight headaches. But that is to be expected.
Then, about twenty minutes later, I did the ALS ice water challenge with my whole dorm floor. We have a video on facebook and everything. I helped dump water, and at the end, Sol and I got the largest bucket dumped on us. It was quite fun, and cold water really isn't so bad.
Even better, I tried to learn to skateboard today. Did not go well. Busted up my hip pretty badly, but not much worse than any other part of me. In fact, that is easy to forget about laying here blogging. I discovered I have a knack for longboarding though, which is just... well, a longer skateboard.
This blog post is a little shorter than usual because of all of my posts coming so quickly, but I will make some longer better ones once I start slowing down again! thanks for reading. Ace out!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Complications and Heartburn

It is 1:30 and I can't seem to fall asleep. Maybe it's the pumped up video games, maybe it's the excitement of finishing my second first week of college. Or maybe it's the internet and I just can't close my laptop. Either way, there have been some developments in the world of Ace and Co. Death has managed to inadvertently upset a woman, and she is trying to cope with him not thinking he is the most gorgeous woman in the world. She is slightly bigger, and has boyish features. By no means an ugly girl. Death is just not convinced she is gorgeous. He does however love how sweet she is, and she has become so obsessed with physical beauty she can't accept that and their friendship may suffer.
I want to talk about some people I love today, on the topic of Death and others. First, Death. He has been my best friend and brother in everything but blood for about two and a half years now, but to us, it feels like we have never not known each other. Our language is unique, and we both convey messages to each other effectively yet mysteriously, allowing for us to hold whole conversations without anyone knowing what we are talking about. He has been my most reliable friend, and his family has become mine, considering my own terrible familial situation. He and I want to start a business together after college, and we can't imagine not living at least near each other as adults, if not neighbors for life.
Then, there is the love of my life, Ichigo. My strawberry haired love. I couldn't live without her, and she has made my life the perfect combination of love and support. I can't really say much about her, mainly because it is gushy and gooey and frankly, most people don't want to hear it.
Sol, Dying Youth, and Final Chase are all my college buddies, and I don't honestly think I would have had such a great year last year without them around. Sol is darkly humorous, and we have the perfect rivalry, the best of friends, the most competitive of enemies. Dying Youth and I are gamer bros. In fact, we bonded over Super Smash Bros, and still play it together to this day. Final Chase is very calm, and collected, and he doesn't stick out a whole lot, which he enjoys.
Lastly, but maybe most important of all is my Little One, my honorary little sister, and the one whose blog name I have foolishly forgotten and she will surely text me tomorrow reminding me. She does a lot for me that other people can't without ever knowing it. Having someone to protect, and for whom you would rip off the legs of any harmful person, really helps you understand yourself and how you devote yourself to people in a way a relationship or friendship might not. Of course I would jump in front of a bus to save my lover, but to be willing to do that for my friends, my little sister, and any of my acquaintances is a rather alarming but interesting thing to learn. For my Little One, I have sworn to put the fear of god into any person who hurts her. I am not violent, or mean, by any definition of the word. I can barely play GTA V without apologizing to the people I run over during my heists. But I would protect her with tooth and claw should the need arise. Little One has also helped me stop swearing as much, and really influences some of my stupider decisions. Like eating dogfood, vinegar, and other nasty treats. I may do it, but I will also take an antacid afterwards so I don't suffer such bad heartburn.
Which leads me to a story, one full of resentment and annoyance at my aging body. I am almost 20. Too darn young to have acid reflux, a heart condition, aching joints and the like, but I do. And one thing in particular is excruciatingly bad for me. My heartburn is getting to the point that I am almost constantly in pain and can't find anything that doesn't inflame my chest. Even perfumes give me the most painful heartburn ever. So the story goes like this: I am in art, and we are cutting out shapes and gluing them onto paper. Sort of elementary. However, we are using rubber cement. If you have never used it, it is very strong, and quite pungent. I politely asked to borrow some because I happen to be unprepared sometimes, and open the container. This is my first time using fresh, completely new cement, and I mistakenly had it close to my face when I opened it, as I was reading the label. The smell gave me heartburn that was so bad I had to rush out of the room and vomit in the bathroom, and still have heartburn now, because I can't remember where i packed my antacids. I need to get a new prescription anyways.
As always ending on a positive note, I have fallen asleep twice writing this, and it is now almost two o'clock, so I shall find it quite easy to fall asleep. Anyone reading this I mentioned, I love and need you just the way you are, and I hope to keep all of you in my life for much, much longer. And to the random reader who stuck with my sleepy delusional writing, thank you, and I hope my writing has touched something in you somehow. Ace out!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

3 AM and my cup of coffee.

Despite the title, these two things are unrelated. They happen to have happened today though. It is the aforementioned time as I am writing this, and I am unable to sleep because my weak spot for... well, all things kind, has led me to sacrifice my bed and bedding to a good friend who was unable to come back to the academy this year. He just popped in, gave me some sad eyes, and I am officially not going to get much sleep tonight. However, it is good to see all my friends once more, and I have had a great first three days in class. Judo tomorrow, and I can't wait.
So my coffee is essential to me most of the time. I had two cups today, and attempted to fill a to go cup so I could carry some to class. Thanks to anime, youtube, facebook, tumblr, and about everything else the internet has to offer, I was almost late, and coffee-less. In fact, I had to go to art, and I had no sketchbook, no coffee, and no writing utensils. So I utilized my charm, and innocent face to borrow a pencil from my hallmate and a few sheets of paper from an unsuspected girl on the bus, whom I may have accidentally blasted with too much of my "sweet guy" look because she actually asked me afterwards if I wanted some coffee with her. I politely declined, as I am engaged, and walked away, slightly more confident in my own way.
However, all is not well in the middle of nowhere, and it's up to Ace to save his best friend! Let me tell you, reader(s?), college is scary. Not the people, per say, or the classes. No, it's the sheer newness of certain situations. In my small town, everyone knew I was engaged, and most everyone respected that and stayed away. Unlike small towns, my academy does not know my whole backstory, and thanks to a lack of an actual wedding ring, it is up to me to work in the word engaged in a normal conversation to deter women. It is pretty easy for me as I am quite devoted. However, my first year of college put doubts in my head. Cute girls pay attention to you, flirt, and just try to get into your head. It scares a man, especially one like me, whose dating experience and attention from women has come very specifically from the one girl. I got through it, and am stronger for it. But Death is in a sticky situation. He and his other happen to be having a lot of problems as of late anyways, the specifics of which are unnecessary, suffice to say they are drifting. He is, however, my carbon copy and brother in everything except blood. He can not hurt anyone. And because he worries breaking it off with his other could hurt her, he is waiting for her to do it for him. She does not seem so inclined. Now, Death is tall, freckled, just barely red haired, and a good looking guy. Even as his friend, I have to admit he isn't lacking in the looks department. He is three days into college and the poor boy has been literally GIVEN numbers. A student from Africa has been in america four days and has asked Death on three dates. Two girls have already come to our room just to talk to him, and one, an old friend, has openly stated she simply "wants to kiss him and cuddle him all day." (Totally not jealous of him, this has to suck.) He won't break his other's heart, and I know she won't be leaving him soon, so pray, wish him luck, or hope he has good karma, whatever your preference may be, that he come out of this unscathed and pure as ever.
As always ending on a positive note, Japanese class has gone quite well, and I have fallen in love with my teacher. Not love love, but absolutely in love with her energy and teaching style. She makes the whole class laugh, taught us shortcuts for the katakana, and is an all around wonderful teacher. This was the class I have been looking forward to all summer, and I am glad to have a great teacher.
Lastly, on a personal note, I would like to offer some advice to anyone of any age reading this blog: Getting angry is very easy. Even I get really frustrated at stupid games. Sometimes the greatest way to relieve stress is to clench your fist as hard as you can, tight as it will go, and slowly open your hand. Focusing on how great the releasing of muscles in your hand is, can really soothe your spirits because it feels like you are literally letting go of the anger, frustration, or stress. I have been utilizing this method, and I have become much less infuriated by games. Which used to be a huge issue for me. Ace out!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New beginnings and much work to do.

After a three month dry spell, my little sister is ecstatic to make me post again. Back in college, and with access to as much internet as i can squeeze into a nine month period, I am now behind seven blog posts, and she will work her cute magic and make me feel guilty until I catch up and remain active here. I love her though, and blogging is a fun, great way to relieve stress and talk freely.
So, it is a new year for me, and I have a new class set. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have Professional Writing, and 2D-Art. On Mondays and Wednesdays in the afternoon I have Japanese with the smallest, most energetic Japanese woman alive. She is so funny, and is going to be a great teacher. Tuesdays I only have Democracy and Citizenship at 2 O'clock, so I don't have to wake up early. And lastly, on Thursdays, I have Democracy again, and Judo later in the night. So my schedule is pretty great.
But the best part of all, and I can't stress this enough, is that my best friend and brother in everything except blood is my roommate, and my other great friends are across the hall from me. I am surrounded by a bunch of great guys that I can't wait to spend another year with. Death, as my new roommate, has been accepted quite well, and feels completely at ease. Sol, my ex-roommate and I have still got our great banter, and Dying Youth, my gamer buddy from last year has moved in with Sol. Final Chase has also joined the fray, but he has a room to himself adjacent to Sol and Youth. My social life will flourish this year.
In saying that, I would like to impart some wisdom for anyone in college or school in general. Many people claim that in school, there are good grades, good social life, and good sleep, and that you have to choose between two of the three and there is no middle ground. One of my professors, and I quote, told us that, "is utter bullcrap." He then proceeded to give this tip. If you do feel that you cannot juggle the three, give up sleep. Ask someone ten years from now what their favorite classes were, and they can give you a few names, even the professors who taught them. Ask them some of their favorite friends, or parties, or events, and they can likely tell you about the awesome yearly foam party or slip and slide events. But ask them their best nap, and they probably won't be able to give an exact moment. So, for those who are worried, I hope that eased your stress a little. Coffee more than makes up for a little less sleep than usual.
Lastly, I just want to say, Anime holds a special place in my heart. It is wonderful programming, and generally wholesome, albeit sometimes slightly sexual. I know some are worse than others, but for the most part I watch fairly clean anime. College is a great time for Anime. An episode or two between classes, a reward for completed homework or assignments, or just to relax. For non-anime watchers, or people who think I am a nerd, I suggest you try a few. Look up genres, and styles, try one or two before you knock it. And for those who watch anime and need suggestions, or just want to talk anime, feel free to comment, I will try to respond to everyone. Ace out!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Anime, Spartacus, and My Nintendo 64.

A lot is going on for me right now. I have to register for my next year of classes at the University. I have to get a job and living place for the summer, and I am making and maintaining a lot of new friendships. College has been interesting, to say the least. My favorite class so far has been Greek Mythology, and my least favorite had to be CSC 101. I am a tech guy. It's what I do. I love computers, electronics, and the like. It is almost an insult to my intelligence to be "taught" how to use word, when most of this generation has been using it since it came out, to write papers, and play around with flyers, if you ever had a lawnmowing company. I look forward to my next year.
On to the meat of this post. I have a lot more going on for me than that, just in the nitty gritty free time. My little sister wants me to watch Fate/Zero. Death, my brother, wants me to watch Gurren Lagann, Nisekoi, and a few others, and my roomate wants me to watch Spartacus, Dexter, and Darker than Black. Not to mention I just bought Quest 64 for my old Nintendo 64, and I am going insane. I feel bad for letting the little one down, my roommate knows where I sleep, and Death, being my brother, has some high priority in the list of anime I watch. And I just remembered my friend Dying Youth wants me to finish Final Fantasy VIII. I am going insane. I want to keep everyone happy, but I also want to have a little down time to play the new game I bought. It is a shame. But I am in no way resentful of them. I appreciate all of them for showing me such great things. I just want to give a shout out to all of them, that I will eventually complete this to-do list. I swear it. Ace out!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day Gushings

I love this holiday. Even when I was lonely and never thought I would be engaged, in love, and happily entangled in the arms of my fiancee as I play Call of Duty with her. It was a fun holiday to me. Even when other people were happy and loving in front of me, I was still happy for them. Some people say it is Single Awareness Day, or Celebration, and my little sister so wonderfully called it, but I think that neither is appropriate. If you are single for the rest of the days of the year, plus on extra day if it is a leap year, then this one special day shouldn't be any more painful than the rest. And while I understand that for some people it is worse to be single than others, I watched several of my single friends, who have never once complained about being single get super down yesterday. It always disappoints me. Because when I was single, I got cards from all my friends, even the ones who where in relationships, because when I was single, no one felt guilty about giving me a card. And chocolates. Gotta love the chocolate. I always celebrated this holiday happily, and never really got upset.
BUT!! Now that I am engaged to a beautiful woman, getting along happily in college, and have no worries about feeling even a little alone anymore, although the cards from others has disappeared, the love from one person to make this holiday even better makes me happier than I can say. To know that I am loved by anyone on Valentine's Day makes me feel special. My roommate even admitted he loves me yesterday. In a platonic, bromance sort of way of course. Valentines day isn't about intimate love, or couple's love. To me, it is about the love you have for family, friends, and the people around you. My best friend, brother, and lifelong pal Death the Kid, as I will call him, texted me yesterday to wish me a happy Valentine's Day. I wished him and his girlfriend the same. My little sisters, real and honorary, were wished the same and wished it back. My roommate woke up to a text from his little sister and it made his day. Anybody single or taken on this holiday should know that they can celebrate any way they want. The single people have an awesome advantage that we couples do not have. Their wallets usually go towards their own pursuits. Which is nice. My fiancee and I both spent money on each other. but the strain on a wallet is never easy for a college kid. In the long run, everything is worth it, and honestly, if I had not spent money on my fiancee, maybe my little sisters, or Death. Maybe even my roommate Sol. Either way, happy Valentine's Day, and I love all of you! Ace out!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Returning to the Fray

College life is complicated and distracting. That is the best way to describe it. I love college more than any other form of school I have gone to, although my procrastination made my first semester a little bit sketchy. My grades were lower than I am used to, not because my comprehension was low, but rather, my assignment completion was low. I owe my little sister an apology. I was supposed to blog every time she did. But I went home for Christmas break, without internet. Then when I cam back, I got lost in the fray again. And I was suppose to blog last night, but I got distracted. That is a story for the latter half of the post though. On to the big stuff. Not much has happened to me lately, in terms of interesting things occurring in MY life, but things have been happening to others. My fiance goes to a generic Christian college, which would be fine... Except their policy is ridiculously strict and she might be in trouble for visiting me on the weekends. There is no confirmation yet, but someone in her ring of friends may have done the lowest, dirtiest, most back-stabby thing ever, and told the school she has been visiting me on the weekends. We are in fact sleeping together, but not in the sex way. Actual sleep. I love sleep, and having someone cuddle up to you is wonderful. We are not sexually active, but that doesn't matter to her school. If they find out she is even in my room at night, she will be put on probation at her school, and her college life may be ruined. It takes a lot to make me even mildly upset and I am livid. The fact that one of her friends, who doesn't even know the whole story would take matters into her own hands about the properness of my fiancee's actions, and knowingly make a report that could ruin her life makes me sick. I am furious. The school's policies are the school's policies, and although I do not personally agree, it isn't like she and I are prancing about naked singing songs about our lovemaking. We discreetly and secretly have weekend visits that are clean and nice. And some person thinks they know better than anyone else and has taken it upon themselves to ruin her life in college by potentially getting her kicked out. Keep in mind this is all speculation. I do not even know if she has gotten in trouble for that, or something else, but it is painfully clear that her school needs to talk to her about something, and seeing as how she is a fairly good student, we are both fairly certain it is not going to be a simple matter.
On a lighter note, I have started watching a new anime, and I can only say it is probably one of my favorite long running anime ever. around 200 episodes of pure awesome. I am talking about Reborn. It is a wonderfully crafted show, about the mafia, and a kid who is a mafia boss but does not know it. He is shot in the head by a baby who uses special bullets. It makes his last desire become a burning passion, and his limitations are removed. It is a very good anime, and should be watched.
I just bought a new game. That is the reason I did not post last night. I have been sucked into it's ridiculously entrancing and wonderfully innovative gameplay. Romance Dawn, the new one piece game for 3DS. Wonderful game. I will not ruin any of the game, nor will I give spoilers, but I will say the battle system lets you string attacks together in unique combos and is quite new. It has taken up most of my free time the past few days.
So, as usual, I will leave on a high note. Wish my fiancee luck, and have a good time. Ace out!