
Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Evolution of My Friends

Have you ever taken a good long look at the people around you? Thought abut the change from when they were children to now? Look at yourself, even, and ponder how much you have changed. I myself have changed so many times in my life. I took up smoking for a time as a kid, then quit when my grandfather died. I was never bad, I just had the kind of stepfather who made me want to rebel. He beat me, degraded me, and made my life a life of fear and sadness. I became friendless, and unhappy. Yet soon, I began finding people who made me happy. They appreciated me and helped me see who I really was in the eyes of real people. I became a sociable person, and developed a network of friends. I was friends with many different kinds of people. Stoners, geeks, shy people, popular people, unpopular people. Any person who was willing to accept someone like me became my friend. I was not popular myself in the typical sense. I became sort of a problem-solver for people. I helped kids with homework, I helped struggling friends patch up friendships. I was helping everyone I could. I have thought on this for a very long time, and have finally reached a conclusion as to why I do this. I help people because I lived a life of unhappiness. I knew how it sucked to have problems. So in my mind, I felt the need to help other people and bring happiness to others to make up for the life I did not have. I do not resent happy people, nor am I a negative person. Which brings me to the reason I titled this post "The Evolution of my Friends." When I felt hated and unwanted, my friends were books and games. I considered my best friends to be the Pokemon I raised, and the heroes from my books. Then, when I began making friends, they were looking for help to problems, and they just kind of accepted me. At first my friends were acquaintences who appreciated my help. Then, as I opened up and showed people who I was, they began really appreciating ME. Now, I am in a new town, and I could not wish for better friends. Most of them have joined my family as an honorary member, and some of them have actually accepted me as true family. I was introduced to my teacher's friend as one of her own children. People have begun seeing that underneath all my goofy facades, there are a few character traits that they really appreciate. They come to me for guidance and help, and they trust me like no other person. It makes me feel like I am truly accepted, and I can say, without feeling less manly, that I have been brought to tears a few times by the kindness of other people. So look back on your life, and your friends, and thank whatever you believe in for everything you have. Because even if things seem bad, there is always something to smile about. I am finally moving on. I still play Pokemon, and there is still an attachement to the Pokemon on my team, but no longer are they my friends. They are just a childhood favorite that I will always appreciate. Now I have gone from having a best friend named Oshawatt... Now I have real best friends, whom I will always appreciate. Thank you, all of my friends who read this. I love you guys. Until next time, Ace out!

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Short Celebration

This post will not be long, nor is it overly exciting for many of you. I just wanted to proclaim the success of my haunted house. As Dr. Salvadore, I really got a few people to scream their hearts out. I really enjoyed scaring people. My foreign friend took a bit of time to find a good place to hide, as he was determined to scare people. He finally found a good spot, and the funniest thing happened. As I explained to him how to scare people from that spot, he heard people coming. He thought it was a group coming through, but it was our teacher and a few students running the house. He banged on the door and roared like a monster. Our teacher screamed like a banshee, and everyone hit the floor rolling in pain from the laughter. Saturday is the first official day of the haunted house, and we are really looking forward to the income. Our senior class really needs it. As promised, this post is not long. So, once again, I wish thee well. Ace out!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hello Again, Audience!

So, I have finally finished my Dr. Salvadore costume. Burlap hat-sack and all. For those of you who are still not familiar with this character, please see my post "Zombie Attack." I now have a foreign exchange student working with me. He is chinese, and he has told me that in China, there are not crazy things like haunted houses. He is very excited to be zombified though. I get to work my movie magic, and morph him into a wound-riddled warrior of death. The procedure is simple enough... All you really need is some make-up, toilet paper, and regular Elmer's glue. I wish I could go into more details, but it is a long procedure, that can become tedious. If I have more time to post, and if anyone asks me to, I can post the detailed instructions at another time.

I had a fairly interesting dream last night that made me ask some very scary questions. I dreamt that a true zombie apocolypse had occured, and many of my friends had turned to me for a survival expert. I made a plan of action, and we all stocked up on easily transportable weapons. I had two machetes, and a katana. Many events transpired throughout the dream, but two events stuck out very clearly. The first was a standard zombie attack. A house we were scouting for survivors had been totally overrun. I disposed of a few zombies, but witnessed the mother of my friend get bitten by one of the infected. After we had cleared out the house, my friend told me he was staying behind. The house was safe, and close to a store that was well-stocked. We had decided not to stay there because it was also close to a big city, and the potential for another infestation of the house was too much. Now, this was the part that made me question my life. His mother was infected, and though she had not turned, she would eventually. I asked him if he would have the strength to dispose of her when she changed. He was able to say with strength that he would. I do not feel I would, in a dream, or in real life. Yet if faced with the life-or-death situation of kill my loved ones or die, would I really be able to? Then, as we double-checked the house for any possible weak spots, we discovered a food closet that we had not seen before. I slowly opened the door, but it was too dark to truly see if there was anything in there. I tried to draw anything out, but it was ineffective. Someone pushed past me, thinking it was safe, and an infected grabbed her. I reacted quickly enough to save her from being harmed by it, but I accidentally got some of her fingers in my machete swing. She was in critical pain, and screamed loudly. I told her she would be okay, and that I was sorry. Some idiot behind me accused me of being too cruel. He said that I could have done that without hurting her. I tried to explain that I had no time to think, and it was a necessary sacrifice. Was it really? Could things have gone differently? It made me question if tragedy, whether apocolyptic or in present life, hardens us? It made me wonder if people lose sympathy, and lose their heart, when faced with situations with horrible decisions.

Anyways! I thought the dream was fairly cool otherwise. Aside from one person getting infected, I was able to keep my whole posse safe, and I proved to be a rather effective hero. Yes, it may have been MY dream, and yes, you are usually your own star, but it was a realistic dream. I never did anything superhuman, nor did I do anything outside of my real paramaters. All in all, it was a very fun dream. I must go once more audience. Until next time, Ace out!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Zombie Attack

So, some pretty interesting things are going on around me. I am working my school's  haunted house, and I get to be Dr. Salvadore. For those of you who are not familiar with this terrifying infected, I will reference you to the Resident Evil 4 game. He is a chainsaw-weilding infected from the villiage of farmers who have had their brains taken over by a parasite called Las Plagas. I have sewn together a few peices of burlap to make a bloody hat-sack. The haunted house will be absolutely terrifying inside, and to top it off, as the people step outside, just when they think they are safe, I will rev up my chainsaw, and pop out from behind a corner, chasing after the poor saps.

Enough of the advertisements for my haunted house. I have a funny story to tell you. I was writing for college English; I had just read part of Beowulf. I have recently made friends with a foreign exchange student from Venuswela, and I was trying to explain to him some of the concepts behind the story. Fleur, my honorary little sister was with me. I was trying to explain how the story of Beowulf and the many adventures he had is an archetype of almost every heroic story that exists. He did not quite understand the word archetype, so I explained how it means it is the original basis for a genre of story afterwards. So to make an example, I compared it to Star Wars. The funny thing is, there are a million, very accurate comparisons. The monster Grendel is quite similar to the enemy Darth Maul. The heroes beat them fairly easily, with the loss of a few people. In the case of Star Wars, we witness the sorry death of Qui-Gon-Jin. Then we have Grendel's mother. She is close to Darth Vader. She is a much harder monster who is far harder to beat. Quite similar wouldn't you say? Finally, the Emperor... The dragon in the epic story of Beowulf is almost the same. They are both very hard to beat, and they take the life of an important character, that you have come to care about. The dragon takes Beowulf's life, the Emperor, Darth Vader. I am a huge fan of both stories, so to me, this was both amusing, and a big surprise. I guess if we all take a second, we can see just how many things in our lives are connected. I mean, the ancient story of Beowulf, standing next to the futuristic tale of star travelling heroes? Well, I am out of thoughts for now, so, I bid thee farewell. Ace out!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Welcome to my House of Cards

Hello! I am entirely new to the blogging world. In fact, the whole reason I have started this blog is because a friend of mine suggested I try it out. So I must apologize in advance for the simplistic layout, and uncreative blog. As I learn how all of these templates, buttons, and concepts work, I can promise to all my soon to be followers a fun blog, where you can come to laugh, ponder, or just read some food for thought. I think I shall start this blog off with a guess at what might be on my page in the future. I am not an amazingly interesting person... I am an average senior in high school. So I can not claim to have amazing stories to tell you every time I post, nor will I be able to dazzle you with stories of amazing friends. That is not to say I do not feel my friends are less than amazing... they are just rather ordinary. So, I must assume that, as my friend suggested, I will be putting up some of my random thoughts on some of the more... interesting aspects of the world as a teenager sees it. For example, I feel as though certain people overcomplicate the things that are truly simple in life. A relationship, for example, that has many fights and arguments seems as though it should simply be trashed. The people in that relationship are hateful, often depressed, and their social life ends up revolving around their significant other, and their friends become less important. To me, it seems as though there is a simple matter of saying "this is not good for either of us" and ending it. Before anyone says that the abusive boyfriend, or girlfriend, may make it harder, often impossible, but I do not speak of these relationships. I speak only of ones where there is argumentation and many fights, as well as when they break up and get back together a hundred times over. I suppose I am rambling, but I have to watch this happen to a good friend of mine. The relationship she is in is neither abusive, nor is it hazardous in any way to her physical well-being, it is just emotionally draining on her at times, and she has lashed out at her friends, refusing to direct her anger towards the actual cause. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, do not assume it is all the boyfriend's fault. They are both incompatible. I have seen as many of their arguments started by her as i have by him. I really can not change it, nor can I get help from anyone else. I realise this is rather sad for a first post, but I can promise laughter in the future. So long my friends, and may you face all your troubles with a smile. And do not forget: Nothing throws off a foe like a big smile and a cheerful peace offering.