
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Returning to the Fray

College life is complicated and distracting. That is the best way to describe it. I love college more than any other form of school I have gone to, although my procrastination made my first semester a little bit sketchy. My grades were lower than I am used to, not because my comprehension was low, but rather, my assignment completion was low. I owe my little sister an apology. I was supposed to blog every time she did. But I went home for Christmas break, without internet. Then when I cam back, I got lost in the fray again. And I was suppose to blog last night, but I got distracted. That is a story for the latter half of the post though. On to the big stuff. Not much has happened to me lately, in terms of interesting things occurring in MY life, but things have been happening to others. My fiance goes to a generic Christian college, which would be fine... Except their policy is ridiculously strict and she might be in trouble for visiting me on the weekends. There is no confirmation yet, but someone in her ring of friends may have done the lowest, dirtiest, most back-stabby thing ever, and told the school she has been visiting me on the weekends. We are in fact sleeping together, but not in the sex way. Actual sleep. I love sleep, and having someone cuddle up to you is wonderful. We are not sexually active, but that doesn't matter to her school. If they find out she is even in my room at night, she will be put on probation at her school, and her college life may be ruined. It takes a lot to make me even mildly upset and I am livid. The fact that one of her friends, who doesn't even know the whole story would take matters into her own hands about the properness of my fiancee's actions, and knowingly make a report that could ruin her life makes me sick. I am furious. The school's policies are the school's policies, and although I do not personally agree, it isn't like she and I are prancing about naked singing songs about our lovemaking. We discreetly and secretly have weekend visits that are clean and nice. And some person thinks they know better than anyone else and has taken it upon themselves to ruin her life in college by potentially getting her kicked out. Keep in mind this is all speculation. I do not even know if she has gotten in trouble for that, or something else, but it is painfully clear that her school needs to talk to her about something, and seeing as how she is a fairly good student, we are both fairly certain it is not going to be a simple matter.
On a lighter note, I have started watching a new anime, and I can only say it is probably one of my favorite long running anime ever. around 200 episodes of pure awesome. I am talking about Reborn. It is a wonderfully crafted show, about the mafia, and a kid who is a mafia boss but does not know it. He is shot in the head by a baby who uses special bullets. It makes his last desire become a burning passion, and his limitations are removed. It is a very good anime, and should be watched.
I just bought a new game. That is the reason I did not post last night. I have been sucked into it's ridiculously entrancing and wonderfully innovative gameplay. Romance Dawn, the new one piece game for 3DS. Wonderful game. I will not ruin any of the game, nor will I give spoilers, but I will say the battle system lets you string attacks together in unique combos and is quite new. It has taken up most of my free time the past few days.
So, as usual, I will leave on a high note. Wish my fiancee luck, and have a good time. Ace out!

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