
Monday, March 18, 2013

Random Ramblings

I have an apology to make to a very specific person, but if there happen to be others out there who read my previous posts, and liked them, I extend this to you. I started this blog with great intentions, planning to blog all the time, excited about the chance to write awesome things. Currently I do not have a very interesting life. So, this blog was not going to go anywhere. However! I will make a return. I am going to be going to college soon, I shall call it the academy, in honor of the little sister I owe this apology to. When I go out, She has promised to Facebook me every week to remind me to post on Saturdays whenever I can. I have plans to major in English education with a minor in musical performance, stress on the viola. By the way, any passerby who read this, whether ye be dragon, goblins, or human, wish me luck this week, in all that I do. Tomorrow, I am partaking of an English contest, of which I am a spelling guy. Then, Thursday my whole choir is going to contest with two amazing songs. "Do Lord" and "The Seal Lullaby." Look them up. And then, Friday, I am going on my own, to take two solos. Technically, it is one, but it is two songs, so I am going to call it two for the sake of sounding a mite bit cooler. Forgot to mention that I am also going with the band Thursday to perform in a band contest, so... Yeah, busy busy busy. My life is not totally dead, but just not enough spread around to blog about. Saw my girlfriend for the first time in a few months, so I had a good weekend. She went to college a year ago. I call her Ichigo as a nickname, Japanese for strawberry. So that shall be her moniker here. To those who know me, I hope they laugh at the name, to those who do not, she is a redhead. Not extremely funny, but I like to think it sounds better than Ginger, or Red. Fun Fact: Okami is Japanese for wolf. Also, Pokemon X and Y are going to make a lot of people very mad. The fact that it is only a 3d game has my fur bristling. I mean, it is a really good ploy on Nintendo's part to make the 3DS sales skyrocket, but the only reason a poor kid like me has any games or systems is through completely legit, but underhanded trading. I was given a PSP for a gift a few years back, sold some PS2 games no one wanted to buy other PSP games. Then, I traded that PSP for a Nintendo DSi XL. Sold my PSP games for DS games, and have been recycling games for other games ever since. Current collection: Pokemon Diamond (actually a gift, will never be sold.) Pokemon White, Pokemon White 2, and Pokemon Black 2, along with Final Fantasy III, Super Mario 64, Mario Party DS, and Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass. Class is out, so I have to go. Live long and prosper! Ace out.

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