
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cold Weather Catching Up

I owe my little sister a few posts, and it has been a while since my last post, so I figured, what with the snow and all, I would post about current events. My Ichigo has been considering taking a break off of college for a semester, and taking a better job. I am happy for her, even if she is moving in with one of her less pleasant cousins. I trust her, and I believe she will make good decisions. So I am glad to say she will be much less stressed for a few months. Maybe we can even get married. I have been waiting for a chance to marry her, and this may be it.
Death has gotten a job, and is going to be working Black Friday at a clothing store. Ichigo will be working for a phone company, and everyone else seems to have everything set up Another one of my friends, in the military, has gotten into the Bravo Squad explosives department, and he has been pretty excited about that. I do not have a job just yet, because of unfortunate transportation circumstances, so next semester, once I get my check, I am going to buy a Moped and hopefully get around enough to get a job. I am ready to juggle a job and college.
And finally, homework. Everyone has been extremely busy with school, and Death and I have extremely important tests and projects to finish. Japanese has become quite hard, and I need to study better for Democracy. Death has been working on a speech for almost three weeks now, and I just finished a paper based around sexism in video games. Incredibly, this topic has not been studied much, and my teacher loved the idea. She encouraged me to pursue the topic, and I have made what I believe to be a solid paper, arguing what exists in games, and how to fix the issue.
So, on a positive note, Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and I can stuff my face like a pig again! Real, homecooked food to fill my stomach instead of this repetitive school food. I cannot wait! Ace out!

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