
Friday, August 22, 2014

Complications and Heartburn

It is 1:30 and I can't seem to fall asleep. Maybe it's the pumped up video games, maybe it's the excitement of finishing my second first week of college. Or maybe it's the internet and I just can't close my laptop. Either way, there have been some developments in the world of Ace and Co. Death has managed to inadvertently upset a woman, and she is trying to cope with him not thinking he is the most gorgeous woman in the world. She is slightly bigger, and has boyish features. By no means an ugly girl. Death is just not convinced she is gorgeous. He does however love how sweet she is, and she has become so obsessed with physical beauty she can't accept that and their friendship may suffer.
I want to talk about some people I love today, on the topic of Death and others. First, Death. He has been my best friend and brother in everything but blood for about two and a half years now, but to us, it feels like we have never not known each other. Our language is unique, and we both convey messages to each other effectively yet mysteriously, allowing for us to hold whole conversations without anyone knowing what we are talking about. He has been my most reliable friend, and his family has become mine, considering my own terrible familial situation. He and I want to start a business together after college, and we can't imagine not living at least near each other as adults, if not neighbors for life.
Then, there is the love of my life, Ichigo. My strawberry haired love. I couldn't live without her, and she has made my life the perfect combination of love and support. I can't really say much about her, mainly because it is gushy and gooey and frankly, most people don't want to hear it.
Sol, Dying Youth, and Final Chase are all my college buddies, and I don't honestly think I would have had such a great year last year without them around. Sol is darkly humorous, and we have the perfect rivalry, the best of friends, the most competitive of enemies. Dying Youth and I are gamer bros. In fact, we bonded over Super Smash Bros, and still play it together to this day. Final Chase is very calm, and collected, and he doesn't stick out a whole lot, which he enjoys.
Lastly, but maybe most important of all is my Little One, my honorary little sister, and the one whose blog name I have foolishly forgotten and she will surely text me tomorrow reminding me. She does a lot for me that other people can't without ever knowing it. Having someone to protect, and for whom you would rip off the legs of any harmful person, really helps you understand yourself and how you devote yourself to people in a way a relationship or friendship might not. Of course I would jump in front of a bus to save my lover, but to be willing to do that for my friends, my little sister, and any of my acquaintances is a rather alarming but interesting thing to learn. For my Little One, I have sworn to put the fear of god into any person who hurts her. I am not violent, or mean, by any definition of the word. I can barely play GTA V without apologizing to the people I run over during my heists. But I would protect her with tooth and claw should the need arise. Little One has also helped me stop swearing as much, and really influences some of my stupider decisions. Like eating dogfood, vinegar, and other nasty treats. I may do it, but I will also take an antacid afterwards so I don't suffer such bad heartburn.
Which leads me to a story, one full of resentment and annoyance at my aging body. I am almost 20. Too darn young to have acid reflux, a heart condition, aching joints and the like, but I do. And one thing in particular is excruciatingly bad for me. My heartburn is getting to the point that I am almost constantly in pain and can't find anything that doesn't inflame my chest. Even perfumes give me the most painful heartburn ever. So the story goes like this: I am in art, and we are cutting out shapes and gluing them onto paper. Sort of elementary. However, we are using rubber cement. If you have never used it, it is very strong, and quite pungent. I politely asked to borrow some because I happen to be unprepared sometimes, and open the container. This is my first time using fresh, completely new cement, and I mistakenly had it close to my face when I opened it, as I was reading the label. The smell gave me heartburn that was so bad I had to rush out of the room and vomit in the bathroom, and still have heartburn now, because I can't remember where i packed my antacids. I need to get a new prescription anyways.
As always ending on a positive note, I have fallen asleep twice writing this, and it is now almost two o'clock, so I shall find it quite easy to fall asleep. Anyone reading this I mentioned, I love and need you just the way you are, and I hope to keep all of you in my life for much, much longer. And to the random reader who stuck with my sleepy delusional writing, thank you, and I hope my writing has touched something in you somehow. Ace out!

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