
Friday, September 19, 2014

Pepper Sprayed

A new fighter joins the fray. My friend Prophet, another lifelong friend, and I decided to let my my friend the Box Ghost and Death pepper spray us. It was bad. It was horrible. The liquid gets in your eyes and mouth and the mucus of your nose and it burns so bad. It feels like liquid fire is invading your pores and incinerating your very pores. Focusing on these words is nearly impossible and the only reason I am doing this is because I feel obligated towards any of my readers who don't posses a motherly/sisterly love for me to give them a funny, manly story of my pain and suffering in my quest to experience everything in life at least once. I made one huge mistake, and a few small ones. Some of the smaller ones involve having my mouth open and inhaling in surprise. But my biggest, most pathetic mistake is a harsh one. I grabbed a towel and started wiping off my face. Then, in my panic and discomfort I put it around my shoulders for a holder. So I had an allergic reaction on my chest which feels like an incredible sunburn. It also managed to run down into my groin when I showered and I can't effectively describe that pain without extreme visuals and gruesome language. But Prophet and I have become much better friends because of it and we feel closer. In the end, I don't know if it was really WORTH it, but it was an experience, and I don't think I really regret anything. I will never willingly submit myself to this without reason ever again, but like I said, it was an experience not a lot of people have been through and I can honestly say that I am stronger for it. Have a great night and don't get pepper sprayed people! Ace out!

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