
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happy birthday Death!

So today was Death's birthday. He has been my best friend and brother for a few years now, and I couldn't think of a better person to have my back. He is younger than me, but he doesn't seem like it. We consider ourselves twins, and in a lot of ways we are. We have music tastes, games tastes, and many other tastes shared. We both have similar personalities, except he is far quieter, and more reserved than myself.
I bought his gift about a month ago, at Kohl's, and he was pretty excited. I got him about sixty dollars worth of jackets and shirts, and sixty more dollars in Kohl's cash, which gave him the freedom to buy even more clothes. And Little one made him a homemade Navi in a bottle. He doesn't read my blog so I can easily post without him knowing. It is so sweet that she is handmaking gifts for Death and I, and we both appreciate her greatly.
So I have a Death-themed post. We have recently begun playing a game called Borderlands 2, which is this hilarious, cell-shaded shooter, with funny characters, and missions, while managing to be a very serious game with a great storyline. So Death, Sol, and Final Chase, along with myself have begun a four player system link in this game. Hilarity ensues when the controllers get picked up. Sol and myself are erratic, and insane, and we tend to fight everything while Death and Chase tend to actually complete objectives. Sol and I have actually gotten a lot more achievements for bullying enemies than anyone else. But one specific hour of gameplay still has Death and myself rollnig in laughter when we remember it. In this area called sanctuary, there are two gambling machines where you pay money, pull a lever, and wait for riches or grenades to fall out of the machine. It took a few tries for a system to be figured out to warn the others when a grenade was dropped. But one, very hilarious time, Sol was warned, and all he said was " I AM TOO INVESTED!!!" and let himself die. We all cracked up, and had to stop for the night. It was a great night. And now I am off to play again! Ace out!

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