
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hello Again, Audience!

So, I have finally finished my Dr. Salvadore costume. Burlap hat-sack and all. For those of you who are still not familiar with this character, please see my post "Zombie Attack." I now have a foreign exchange student working with me. He is chinese, and he has told me that in China, there are not crazy things like haunted houses. He is very excited to be zombified though. I get to work my movie magic, and morph him into a wound-riddled warrior of death. The procedure is simple enough... All you really need is some make-up, toilet paper, and regular Elmer's glue. I wish I could go into more details, but it is a long procedure, that can become tedious. If I have more time to post, and if anyone asks me to, I can post the detailed instructions at another time.

I had a fairly interesting dream last night that made me ask some very scary questions. I dreamt that a true zombie apocolypse had occured, and many of my friends had turned to me for a survival expert. I made a plan of action, and we all stocked up on easily transportable weapons. I had two machetes, and a katana. Many events transpired throughout the dream, but two events stuck out very clearly. The first was a standard zombie attack. A house we were scouting for survivors had been totally overrun. I disposed of a few zombies, but witnessed the mother of my friend get bitten by one of the infected. After we had cleared out the house, my friend told me he was staying behind. The house was safe, and close to a store that was well-stocked. We had decided not to stay there because it was also close to a big city, and the potential for another infestation of the house was too much. Now, this was the part that made me question my life. His mother was infected, and though she had not turned, she would eventually. I asked him if he would have the strength to dispose of her when she changed. He was able to say with strength that he would. I do not feel I would, in a dream, or in real life. Yet if faced with the life-or-death situation of kill my loved ones or die, would I really be able to? Then, as we double-checked the house for any possible weak spots, we discovered a food closet that we had not seen before. I slowly opened the door, but it was too dark to truly see if there was anything in there. I tried to draw anything out, but it was ineffective. Someone pushed past me, thinking it was safe, and an infected grabbed her. I reacted quickly enough to save her from being harmed by it, but I accidentally got some of her fingers in my machete swing. She was in critical pain, and screamed loudly. I told her she would be okay, and that I was sorry. Some idiot behind me accused me of being too cruel. He said that I could have done that without hurting her. I tried to explain that I had no time to think, and it was a necessary sacrifice. Was it really? Could things have gone differently? It made me question if tragedy, whether apocolyptic or in present life, hardens us? It made me wonder if people lose sympathy, and lose their heart, when faced with situations with horrible decisions.

Anyways! I thought the dream was fairly cool otherwise. Aside from one person getting infected, I was able to keep my whole posse safe, and I proved to be a rather effective hero. Yes, it may have been MY dream, and yes, you are usually your own star, but it was a realistic dream. I never did anything superhuman, nor did I do anything outside of my real paramaters. All in all, it was a very fun dream. I must go once more audience. Until next time, Ace out!

1 comment:

  1. But, in your dream, you didn't lose sympathy or heart. You cared enough to say that you were sorry for brutally copping off the poor girl's fingers. As you specified, it was an accident.
    Nicely written, Sir.
