
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Extreme Frustration

I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news, is that I had forgotten how insanely frustrating the Water Temple for Majora's Mask is, and I took much longer than anticipated to beat it. The good news... I BEAT THAT STUPID TEMPLE AND I AM GOING TO BE FACING THE FINAL DUNGEON TOMMOROW! I feel that I timed this extremely well, because that means I can finish the game the exact same day that I get the new 3DS and can play my remastered version of the game!
To give a brief description of my journey, I must explain the new creature I could become, and describe its useful abilities. I am now able to transform into a Zora, which is a fish-based life form. I have blades on my arms that allow me to fight very effectively. I also have VERY incredible swimming abilities, one of which include using my magic meter to engulf myself in electricity, and damaging enemies heavily. It is my second favorite mask, and has my absolute favorite effect. The swimming is incredibly fun.
The first part of this run is unique, in that there are three very complex tasks I needed to complete in order to access the third dungeon. First, one has to sneak into the outsider-hating clan of all-female thieves, and obtain a hookshot, in order to obtain a fourth bottle from some beavers, after beating them in a race. Trust me, as crazy as this sounds... it is pretty standard for this series. It makes sense if you play through the whole game. Finally, I had to get a photo of one of the female thieves, and give to a rather... lewd fisherman, in order to obtain a seahorse, and have him guide me to the last three eggs.
After delivering the eggs of a very distressed Zoran woman to the scientist, they taught me a new song, I am able to enter the third dungeon of the game. Full of... you guessed it, water, it is one of the hardest because the main room consists of a large pool of water with many levels, with a flow that goes in a circle in one direction. One has to switch up the flow of water to access every room. After obtaining the ice arrows, you are able to access higher, even harder to reach areas, and eventually fight the boss.
The boss, named Gyorg, is a large fish, who swims around a central platform, and attempts to knock you into his water so he can eat you. It is an extremely frustrating boss, and even worse, partway through, it spews out about twenty minifish that swarm you when you have to hop in the water to deal damage with your electricity. It took me longer to access and beat this dungeon than to get in and beat the first two dungeons combined. Partly due to the incredibly complex process beforehand, and partly due to the complex nature of finding the hidden fairies in this dungeon.
But, in conclusion, I have beaten the temple, acquired incredible defense, and a new type of arrow. I got away stronger, and I get to face one of the most interesting portion of this game next. Maybe not the most cheerful, and definitely not the easiest, but I will have a lot of fun. Sadly, the first part of this involves the most complex maze ever, involving a scavenger hunt and a mirror shield. Ace out!

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